jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

ESP Update No.2014/03


ESP Update No.2014/03
March 27, 2014 
1.     7th ESP Conference in Costa Rica: 8 – 12 September 2014
The final list of accepted sessions is online now.  In total there are 53 sessions, look at the conference site for details.
Abstracts for oral presentations and posters
We are now preparing the website for abstract-submissions. In case you are planning to submit an abstract for an oral presentation or poster, it should fit in one of these 53 sessions. Please note that not all sessions accept voluntary contributions. Look at the Abstract Submission page for more information.
Registration and further information
We will place more detailed information about the registration fee and procedure on the website soon. If you have questions about organisational aspects please contact conference@es-partnership.org, which is now managed by Martine van Weelden who has been hired as of March 15 to help with the conference organisation.
Please regularly check the ESP 2014 conference site for the latest updates and continue to announce the conference in your network(s). The promotion flyer is also available as download from the ESP2014 website. 
2.     ESP Governance and membership issues
Steering Committee
The list of ESP Steering Committee members is now online. Joachim Maes and Sander Jacobs have been elected as interim co-chairs of the Steering Committee. Together with the other members of the Steering Committee they will prepare a proposal for adjusting the bylaws and manage other governance issues. There will probably be a separate Steering Committee-meeting preceding the 7th ESP conference on Sunday-afternoon 7 September. More news from the SC will follow soon.
Reduced ECOSER subscription for ESP Members
One of the many benefits of an ESP membership is a reduced subscription fee to the Ecosystem Services Journal. As of 2014, paying ESP members can sign up for 30€/year (25 GBP, 4400 YEN or 41 USD).  See our ECOSER subscription page for more information.
Ecosystem Services Journal in 2013 and 2014
The Elsevier journal Ecosystem Services associated with ESP has done very well in 2013. It has really matured and in total 7 volumes have already been published since the launch in 2012. In 2013, ECOSER published 4 excellent issues, including 2 special issues: one on “Mapping and Modelling Payments for Ecosystem Services” and the other on “Payments for Ecosystem Services and their Institutional Dimensions”.  Currently there are three Calls for papers for special issues. You find more information on the 2013 statistics in the ESP News item on this.
3.     News from Working Groups, Regional Chapters, and National Networks
New ESP Guidelines and Toolkits SERVICE-team lead
Dr. Alejandro von Bertrab has offered to lead the ESP Guidelines and Toolkits Service team with the Department of Biodiversity, Forests and Natural Resources of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). This GIZ research team is leading the project “ValuES: Methods for integrating ecosystem services into policy, planning, and practice”. This project, and this ESP SERVICE-team, aims to bridge the gap felt by practitioners: there is an array of methods, techniques and models to identify, measure and value ecosystem services but there is insufficient know-how regarding the specific application of findings, their impact and integration into policies.
Calls for cooperation
Several ESP Working Groups and members have recently posted Calls for Cooperation. For instance:
Request for Online course material on Ecosystem Service themes:
  • Alexander Hellquist (co-lead of the ESP Education & Training Service) plans to organize a session on Education and Training at the ESP 2014 Conference in Costa Rica with the aim to develop guidelines for ES assessments on this topic. To this end he wants to develop a repository of existing online material from ES-related courses. If you know of good ES-related course material, please send it to Alexander Hellquist.
4.     Other news

See the growing list of News-items, Vacancies, Calls for cooperation and Upcoming events
on the ESP-website for new and previous messages, and interesting links.

As always, we look forward to hear from you!

The ESP Support Team

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Reunión de septiembre en Costa Rica

Como ya lo adelantáramos a fines del año pasado, este año realizaremos nuestra segunda reunión de coordinación en Costa Rica, en el marco de la 7ma. Conferencia Anual del Ecosystem Services Parnership (ESP), entre el  8 y 12 de septiembre del corriente. 

En esa oportunidad VESPLAN estará directamente involucrado en la organización de un simposio, titulado: Vulnerability, conservation and restoration of ecosystem services, and their mainstreaming in public policies of Latin America and the Caribe countries (ver descripción abajo1). Este simposio incluirá unas 7 presentaciones orales de unos 10 minutos cada una.

Además, en el sitio web de la conferencia, podrán encontrar detalles sobre la posibilidad de hacer presentaciones en el marco de otros simposios, o como posters libres.
 El título y el perfil de este simposio fueron seleccionados en función de los intereses particulares de nuestra red, por lo que esperaríamos que los aportes desde VESPLAN representen una proporción importante de las 7 presentaciones previstas. Como ya se anuncia en el sitio web de la conferencia, el deadline para el envío de resúmenes es el 1ro. de mayo.

Les agradeceremos que agenden estas fechas, y nos transmitan: a) el nombre del representante de su grupo que concurrirá a la reunión de Costa Rica, y b) el interés en presentar una comunicación en el marco del simposio descripto.

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The Ecosystem Services Partnership organises the 7th annual ESP conference from 8-12 September 2014, in Costa Rica.  The program consists of a mix of plenary sessions, workshops and open-topic sessions, and special sessions organised by the ESP main partners and sponsors.

  • 1 March 2014: Submission of abstracts for workshop (for ESP members), special sessions and open topic ideas (for all participants)
  • 1 May 2014: Submission of presentation and poster abstracts
  • 1 July 2014: Early Bird registration (15% discount)

See the ESP Conference website for the most recent information!

1Simposio: Vulnerability, conservation and restoration of ecosystem services, and their mainstreaming in public policies of Latin America and the Caribe countries. Sustainable development of Latin American countries depends on their ability to internalize the relevance of ecosystem services (ES) into land use policies.  Important steps have been achieved within the region for adapting and developing techniques of ES evaluation and mapping, but limitations to ES mainstreaming into public policies still persist (Balvanera et al. 2013). Usual approaches to ES mapping of the current distribution of ES fluxes generally fail to provide what long term decisions require, like their vulnerability under different scenarios and their influence on society well-being. For example, hotspots of current ES provision are not necessarily coupled to hotspots of socioecological vulnerability, and they do not necessarily have the same relevance for those decision makers which are concerned with sustainable human well-being. On the other hand, technical solutions are frequently developed disregarding their suitability within the context of local (usually rural) communities and their particular governance systems. Therefore, this session is open to contributions on (1) different approaches aimed to the evaluation and mapping of ES provided by socioecological systems, with focus on policy-relevant products (e.g. hotspots of socioecological vulnerability, as well as on conservation and restoration needs), and (2) the mainstreaming of the ES approach to land use policies and territorial planning in Latin American and the Caribe regions, with focus on local (rural) communities.